Life from the City of the Dead

Life from the City of the Dead

FOSN - Life from the City of the Dead Projects. Celebrating and highlighting the historical and educational assets of the Southern Necropolis and its unique environmental and health/wellbeing benefits for the community. Friends of Southern Necropolis will deliver various free community events that will provide opportunities for people of all ages to develop their knowledge of the rich historical legacy of the cemetery, while benefitting from being outdoors and meeting other people.


Events will include our monthly Tour Talk & Cuppa sessions, G5`s Got Talent : the Big Gig, our new “Gies a Gab” outdoor film presentations providing a platform for the community to be filmed and share their memories together and our unique outdoor film Halloween experience in October and festive experience in December.

Wonderful community participation in a living part of the history of Glasgow. Colin and his wife Elsie are committed to making the Southern Necropolis a vital destination with activities for all age groups in an often forgotten historic setting. Friends of the Southern Necropolis is an active group supporting all activities!!!

Amazing work already being done by Colin &Elsie and all the other volunteers let’s help them reach a wider audience 💚

Can learn so much from Colin and Elsie and they are doing great work for the community

The work that Friends of Southern necropolis carry out gets bigger each session they are looking for volunteers of all ages to pop along and help out with some of the tasks that gets done a couple of hours on a saturday if your free pop along and use your skills and help keep the necropolis to the high standard the volunteers have done and learn about some of the 250,000 people who have been laid to rest such as Alexander Greek Thompson and our own Thomas Lipton

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